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CH100X is a team of enthusiasts and investors who have a combined total of 30 years of experience in this space.

We didn’t have a resource like CH100X when we started out and had to learn through an often frustrating and expensive trial-and-error process. We’ve seen the rug pulls, pump-and-dumps, and other scams that scare people away from the space. We’ve also experienced the captivating thrill ride during a parabolic 100x token launch.

CH100X was created to help you avoid the issues that can arise when navigating this space without support while maximizing your upside potential. Our university provides educational tools you’ll need to get started and stay safe while investing, and our calendar features vetted projects that have the potential to generate life-changing wealth for you and your loved ones. And since our team is committed to staying dialled in on what’s happening in crypto day-to-day, you’re also gaining more time and freedom to unplug and focus on enjoying your life.

CH100X is a tool for investors that provides access to vetted early-stage projects. The due diligence completed by our team will help you make informed decisions and avoid many of the pitfalls (and scams) in the space.

CH100X is the only platform of its kind. Our team of analysts – with a combined 20 years in the space – review all relevant aspects of a project before it’s approved for our calendar.

We are not financial advisors and nothing on this website constitutes financial advice. Always DYOR (do your own research) before investing your money. The educational resources and project calendar provided by CH100X are tools to assist you in your process.

CH100X will never accept payment in exchange for featuring a project on our calendar. We have a team of scouts that do independent research daily to find new pre-launch projects and bring them back to our experts for in-depth analysis. Only projects that satisfy all of our requirements will be promoted on our site.

Please contact us by e-mail with any questions or feedback.

The Team


The visionary behind CH100X is passionate about transparency and investor protection and is committed to providing a comprehensive, trustworthy platform that empowers investors to make informed decisions in their investment practices. He is dedicated to doing his part to create a secure, sustainable ecosystem for all participants.


Our scouts are responsible for finding promising prelaunch projects by researching and networking with industry insiders. Their years of experience in the space allow them to spot the real gems in this crowded space and present them to the team for further analysis before they’re approved for our calendar.

Tokenomics Analysts

Our tokenomics analysts understand the nuanced details of the economics behind digital tokens. They can identify potential risks and opportunities in a project’s tokenomics, assess the impact of various factors or events on a token’s price, and provide insights on mitigating risks and maximizing returns for investors.

Contract Auditors

Our smart contract auditors review blockchain token code, identify potential security vulnerabilities, and provide improvement recommendations. They assess a smart contract’s functionality, guaranteeing it meets industry standards and operates as intended. They also test the contract under various scenarios to ensure it is secure and reliable.

Marketing & Hype Analysts

Our marketing and hype analysts thoroughly examine projects to determine if the associated team has professional marketing campaign plans that will contribute to their project’s success. Additionally, they will analyze market trends, identify potential customer segments, analyze data to measure impact, and make recommendations if needed.

Use-case Analysts

Our utility and use-case analysts’ focus is on researching the various applications of blockchain technology. They identify a project’s unique features and advantages, as well as potential risks and limitations. They also assess the feasibility of a project’s success and potential impact on the industry and provide recommendations on optimizing its utility and adoption.

Profile Analysts

Our profile analysts deeply understand internet privacy and security. They are skilled at applying various tools and techniques to uncover and analyze digital footprints and determine potential risks associated with the individual or business they’re researching.

Project Coordinators

Our project coordinators are blockchain-savvy, detail-oriented professionals who oversee, evaluate, and verify the projects we analyze. They thoroughly review whitepapers, conduct due diligence on project founders, and assess technical feasibility to ensure only credible projects are approved for listing.



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